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Apple - iPhone 3GS 32GB
Feedback and Reviews

18 Aug, 2012
i want to sale my iphone 3gs 32gb black colour,condition as like original ,runing 5.1.1 ,if any want to purchase my phone then cntact me 03065048754 my demaned is 19000,, from ,islamabad
17 Aug, 2012
i want to sale my iphone 3gs 16gb white colour,condition as like original ,runing 5.1.1 ,if any want to purchase my phone then cntact me 03335319282 my demaned is 23000,, from rwp,islamabad
13 Aug, 2012
i need iphone 3gs 16GB condition must be 9/10 it must not be opened n repaired.please call if any one want to sale me 03134314601 LAHORE ONLY [email protected]
13 Aug, 2012
Hi urgently sale iphn 3s 16gb mint cnd latest ios 5.1.1 runing, charger and hndfree only 21500 to cntact 03034187873
11 Aug, 2012
Salam to all.. guys i want a help.. please guide me which is the best ios for iphone 3gs, which has jailbreak & permanent unlock. waiting for ur helpful answers..
Sabih Sid
10 Aug, 2012
I want to sale my iphone 3gs 32 gb black condition 8/10 never open or repaired in karachi! if any one wanna but it or exchange it sms me on 0333-3906650!
09 Aug, 2012
i need iphone 3gs 32GB with all original accessories and BOX....condition must be 9/ must not be opened n repaired....................please call if any one want to sale me 03334949430.........................LAHORE ONLY
09 Aug, 2012
I want to sale my iphone 3gs 16gb 100% genuine condition.F10 islamabad jst cntct 03339369360
06 Aug, 2012
salam i m selling my Iphone 3gs 32gb In Excellent condition with complete box contant me 03335579986.Rwp and Isb Only
05 Aug, 2012
i want sale my iphone 3gs 32gb came frm abroad my demand 20000 cntct me 03227884246
Mian Amar
05 Aug, 2012
dear usman bhai or maray baki tmaam bhai agar aap ko 22000 say 24000 tak i phone 4 16gb chayia kya aap log allha ka khof khaow jo aap k phone ka rate hay wo demand karo ok is time iphone 3gs 16 /32gb ki price 13000 say 15000 tak hay or rate condition per hota hay ok
02 Aug, 2012
heyy guyzzz... i want to sell my HTC incredible S in very good condition if any one iz intrested thn email me on [email protected]
01 Aug, 2012
urgently sale iphn 3GS 8th cleannnnnnn set no scratch. Charger and data cable onlyy 16000 to cntct 03034187873
01 Aug, 2012
Salaam....ANy One Wanna Sell IphOne 3gs 32 GB SoOoo Plzz CntCt Me On 03472097452 My Range is 18000/=
omer mukhtar
31 Jul, 2012
wanna sale iphone 3gs.very good colour.all accessories and with box.muslim town lahore.demand 18000.03126292111.
saqib khan
30 Jul, 2012
asalam-o-alikum any one seal iphnoe 3s range 15000, in good condition so plz contect me this # 03332724382
khush dil
29 Jul, 2012
I want ti change my Xperia X10 with apple I phone3gs32 gb if some one is intreast that call mr on this number 03149690288
29 Jul, 2012
hi i want to sale my Iphone 3GS. only cell phone. my demoind is 16,000. for jhelum people please contect me 03087777011
28 Jul, 2012
dear custmore mein ney apna iphone sale kurna hai 3gs hai 32gb sarey samman key sath box and handfree set bohat new hai condion 10/10 hai urgently for sale out final price jo mention kur raha hoon 25000 hai colur balck mein hai plz contect me 03454604446 03214264552
27 Jul, 2012
salam to all, mai apna iphone 3gs 32 gb sale karna chahta houn, complete accessories or imei matched box hae, front se condition 9.5 or back se 8/10 hae, usa se aya hae pakistan main mai he pehla user houn, final price is 21000, no barganing, feel free tu sms or call me any time, 03009224279, 03139224279, people of karachi only Karachi only.
26 Jul, 2012
AOA I want to sale my Iphone 3gs (32 gb)black. 9/10 condition from front and back. Very good running. Only set and charger. My demand is 22000. I am in Gujranwala and Lahore and you can send sms on my cell. 0321-6600083
26 Jul, 2012
salam tu all, mai apna iphone 3gs 32gb sale karna chahta houn, complete accessories or imei matched box hae, condition front se 9.5/10 or back se 8/10 hae, usa se aya hae pakistan main mai he pehla user houn, mai final 21000 mai de doun ga, no barganning plz, sms me or call me any time, 03009224279, 03139224279
Naveed Anjum
25 Jul, 2012
i want to bur iphone 3gs if any 1 intrested pls contect me and set opend na ho saff ho my range is 13000to 15000 plzz contect wit me Naveed 03334497445
qamar zaman
24 Jul, 2012
i wanna sell 3gs 32 gb complete saman 9/10 condition slightly used Black colour box demand 22000 only serious buyers only for Lahore, cont:03214935809
24 Jul, 2012
dear custmore asslamu alikum sir mein ney apna i phone 3gs 32gb for sale out kur raha hoon set bohat saaf hai 10/10 ki condion mein hai ager kisi ney leyna ho mujey bata daye set daba and handfree sath hai final demand hai 25000 hai ok plz contect me 03214264552
23 Jul, 2012
hi friend. i want to buy iphone 3gs 16gb my rang is 12000 to 13000 if any one sell plz sms me or call me sialkot ,lahore 0323-4307622
23 Jul, 2012
iphone 3gs 32gb 9/10 condition price 17000 03457760729 Faisalabad
22 Jul, 2012
nokia E72 exchange with IPHONE 3GS, ALL accessories, awsome working.. set, charger, handsfree, silicon pouch, handstrip, box exellent battry timing.. niether opened nor repaired.. exchange possible with some additional money as well.. LAHORE 03334774763
22 Jul, 2012
any body want to sale dis sale and live in multan please text or call me on my number 03146264651
Hafeez Rashid
22 Jul, 2012
I am selling my iPhone 3gs 16gb from Europe 2 covers free original charger in good condition Demand Rs 16000/-
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